
Gordon Duff: Obama Gun Address Misses Real Terrorism Threat!

Military Sources Confirm Sandy Hook Suspected Foreign Terrorist Attack. Despite attempts to blame a seemingly endless group of lunatic mass murderers for the equally endless number of devastating mass killings now plaguing the United States, out government, our "protectors" and, most damnably, our president, are failing to react to real terror attacks that are becoming an almost daily occurrence. Ambassador Susan Rice was "sacrificed" for failing to cite the Benghazi attack as terrorism. However, when something worse, when a dozen "somethings worse" happens, not in North Africa, but here at home, our schools, movie theaters, military bases, college campuses, the use of the term "terrorism" is forbidden. Why? The answer is simple, the answer is painful, the answer challenges our oligarchical criminal elite, the masters of our masters, as it were. America has a real war on terror, one that we are losing, one based, not on Islam or politics, but rather economics and fear. Terrorism is about fear, as Frank Herbert, author of "Dune" had told us decades ago: "Fear is the mind killer." When we are afraid, and our minds are dead. Thus, we have allowed very real foreign death squads to murder our children, and we play our parts like dogs lapping up vomit. Discussions with members of the senior military community, operations and intelligence personnel, regarding Sandy Hook, and other recent "lone gunman events" has led to startling revelations. Fear can totally immobilize you, yet using it as a weapon is not a crime. The US Army has recognized a pattern of terrorist activity in several of the recent mass shootings, based on timing, type of target, control of media, lost evidence, poor investigations, a pattern that shows signs of the involvement of a military type operation against "soft targets" in the US. Sandy Hook, we are told, is a total failure as an "false flag" terror attack, having left too many "loose threads." Some are listed in the video below. In truth, there are hundreds: Initial suspicions led investigators to extremist groups in the US, the National Socialist Movement, the US Border Patrol and the Hutarees. However, investigations found these groups to be both almost entirely inactive or with a majority of members FBI informants.        

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