
Gordon Duff: Press TV: The Truth About Americans and Guns.

With the discussions of gun seizures in the US, discussions primarily tied to stock manipulation scams within the sporting goods and arms industry and National Rifle Association, it is, perhaps, time we took a look at American gun owners. Are they a force that will protect America from tyranny, or are they more a gullible and dangerous tool of powerful special interest groups? During the 1980's, the "militia movement" in the United States, built on the example set by author J B Campbell, a good friend, an example intended to represent an armed and organized independent force, free from empty rhetoric of the two political parties. Before a year was out, half the members of "militia" groups were FBI informants, and a mysterious influx of money, put those who claimed to be fighting tyranny solidly behind the Israel lobby and Wall Street. The largest of the groups, the Michigan Militia, actually disbanded when Bush 43 came to office, stating: "There is no longer a need to defend freedoms in the US, since we trust totally in President Bush." As Jim W Dean so often says,"You just can't make things like that up." What I saw so very clearly then, and even more clearly today, is that too many gun owners are obsessed with their own "2nd Amendment rights" and are willing to "burn down" the rest of America's freedoms in the process. The majority of gun owners are not just oblivious to constitutional guarantees, but have been wildly in favor of drone attacks, Gaza bombing, torture and rendition, illegal surveillance and suspension of habeas corpus. On the whole, were we to look for what is best in America, those who favor freedom and equality for all, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Gun owners are far from the top of the list. I am an American gun owner, collector and gunsmith. I know guns, I have used guns in combat, including as an Advisory Team Leader in Vietnam. It is my belief, and not without reason, that Homeland Security sends out gangs to collect guns and rounds up "dissidents," the NRA membership will be standing beside them.     

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