
Gordon Duff: US Israel Alliance and Nuclear Follies!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu draws a red line on a graphic of a bomb, while discussing Iran during an address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2012 in New York City. "In fact, the actual origin of Israel's nuclear arsenal is, in fact, credited to stolen weapons grade uranium and plutonium from the United States, France, and Britain." "There is no record, in fact, of Israel ever buying one ounce of uranium ore for processing." Are the United States and Israel obsessed with accusing others of "nuclear violations" out of real concerns or out of a need to keep the mantra of the "blame game" going to hide their own crimes? Is the world really quaking in fear at the thought of an Iranian nuke? This month, the "Six Major Powers" are said to be scheduling "talks" with Iran, demanding "assurances" that Iran's nuclear energy program is peaceful. The radical difference between the mythology of news reports and history books, and what the intelligence community knows knows makes all discussions of "nuclear proliferation" beyond hypocrisy. History tells us that the only nuclear weapons that have been used, were by the United States during World War II, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a total and absolute lie. The most undeniable use of a nuclear weapon in recent years was during the invasion of Iraq, the "Oil War of 2003." The United States used a "nuclear demolition device" against the Iraqi forces at Baghdad Airport in April 2003. The telltale signs, the huge flash, the cars burned blocks away, just like in Manhattan on 9/11/2001, were there for all to see. We will get back to 9/11 later. We have more business to discuss. Dr. Chris Busby has incontrovertibly proven that nuclear weapons were used in Fallujah a year later. The nuclear power lobby has criticized his study, which found not only weapons grade enriched uranium in the hair follicles of those living in the area, but also has more than proven a massive spike in birth defects in the area, that can only be attributed to nuclear weapons use. It took years to get permission to visit the Fallujah site. What is more frightening, however, is that newer generation nukes, those that are laser fired, a technology developed during the 1990's but "denied" by the weapons labs, leave behind no radiation after 72 hours. Hiding the use of nuclear weapons is now "Child's play."     

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