
Jim Fetzer: Lunatics R US: The Santilli/Wood/ Sunstein Gambit

The latest hysterical tirade from Pete Santilli during his interview with Morgan Reynolds on Friday, 18 January 2013, which may qualify as the most irresponsible radio program in history, has demonstrated beyond any doubt that Santilli has no scruples about defaming those of us who have been dedicating our lives to exposing the fabricated events of 9/11, going so far as to claim that I was involved in the death of Michael Zebuhr, a graduate student of Judy Wood, in St Paul, MN, on Saturday, 18 March 2006. That I, among many others, have been doing my best to suppress the existence of "free energy" technology. There was more, but this gives you the general idea. The program can be accessed at American Freedom Radio, which gives you the general idea. The program can be accessed at American Freedom Radio, which has given him this podium. Here is his program on the 18th, featuring Morgan Reynolds: After listening to the show, Ben Collett, a long time student of 9/11, who has hosted Judy Wood and John Hutchison as speakers in Seattle, WA, where they even stayed in his home during their visit there, wrote the following to Morgan Reynolds: I gotta tell you, I was very disappointed by your performance on the Peter Santilli show today. You said absolutely nothing, as Santilli made the most outrageous accusations against Jim Fetzer, as well as Kevin Barrett and Gordon Duff. What could you have been thinking while Santilli accused Jim of being a murderer, the biggest psy-op in the world, and a traitor who should be put on trial! These are extremely serious calumnies, and they go far beyond anything I have ever heard from any other host of a radio program. If I were Jim, I would seriously consider taking legal action against Santilli for slander. There are few who have done more for the cause of 9/11 Truth, than Dr Fetzer as I'm sure you recognize. As far as I know,he has always defended you and your research from critics. He has invited you on his radio program, to his conferences, and to Scholars for 9/11 Truth. For you to now allow him to be so basely and falsely attacked, in your presence, and without a peep of protest from you is, frankly, disgraceful conduct. Yours Truly, Ben Collet.  

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