
Jim W. Dean: Uri Avnery Likes Chuck Hagel, A Fellow Combat Vet!

Will the Jewish Bullies Intimidate Congress and Humiliate America Again? I had been expecting a Uri piece on Hagel. All the usual components were there, like a chance to expose the American Israeli Lobby for the disloyal Americans they are. Oh, you think that is nasty? Ask the state department to give you the statistics of young Jews who serve in the American military, versus those that go into the IDF. Ask Jewish parents which they would prefer, but call me first to make a bet, so we can arrange a third party to hold the money. The traditional Lobby is losing steam. Endless years of calling everybody from the milkman to the pool boy anti Semites has worn a little thin. Their bullying is not even done with finesse anymore. It is delivered Russian mob style, bluntly. I spotted the continuing shift initially, when Abe Foxman was quoted with his very measured and prepared words, that Hagel would not have been his first choices, but he respected the President's perogative to pick his cabinet. Billy Cristol had led the charge, but that is what Israeli media Intel assets are supposed to do. It's their job. I expected to see some of the older ones in attack mode, those with careers over, established safety nets, and expecting to be gone away soon with the grim reaper. Elliot Abrams seems to have drawn the short stick. Abrams has a very shady reputation in the Intel community, despite his Council of Foreign Relations cover. It's a very incestuous organization, which most all of our CIA directors and Pentagon chiefs enjoy their rites of passage along side Israel's most up and coming penetration choices. They often end up serving side by side. Elliot Abrams, American, Jewish Council, Heritage. Foundation, Hudson Institute, Project for a New American Century. Abrams claim to fame was the Iran Contra scandal, where we were selling Tow missiles to Iran, after Rumsfeld had given Saddam chemical weapons to field test on Iranians. During the post Iran invasion period, some of these chemical weapons were found buried, and created a buzz that the WMD had finally been found, until the American manufacturer markings were reported to be on them. They were quietly removed and disposed of. John McCain and South Carolina's Lindsey Graham were the first and most eager to bend over and grab a fence rail, to once again show their loyalty to Israel. The Intelligence community, which is well aware of the deep penetrations of Israeli Intel into capital hill, just cringes at this overt willingness to put their allegiance to Israel on display. But AIPAC demands prostration, to put on a show to get the dough. All of them, each and every political hooker that serves Israel, is not fit to spend another day here, but alas they have their hooks in deep, and it will take a hell of a lot of work to get rid of them!      

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