
Michael Chester: Sandy Hook. The Truth, a Cruel Hoax,

or something in between? videos ask and answer the wrong questions. The tragic massacre at Sandy Hook has raised a lot of questions, and spawned a lot of theories, ranging from the official story, that a lone 20 year old carried out the entire incident, to the other end of the spectrum, where people claim that the entire incident was a cruel hoax perpetrated just so the president could propose gun control measures. There have been many opinions, with supporting videos on You Tube. You may have already seen one or both of them before, but I would ask that you look at them again, using maximum skepticism. Please keep in mind, that an important part of a disinformation campaign is use of the "controlled opposition." Around here, we are fond of quoting Vladimir Lenin, who said that the best way to control the opposition is to become the opposition. What, exactly, does that mean? When an intelligence agency or group wants to perpetrate a false flag operation or another deception, they often create what appears to be an opposition group, whose job is to create false leads that go nowhere, or make irrational claims that can easily be proven false. The hope there is that a legitimate person trying to find out the truth, will be lumped in with the tin hat gang, and not receive the legitimacy that his research deserves. I like to use the example of the Washington Generals Basketball Team. They travel with them, and their job is to make the Globetrotters look good. Of course, most people realize their role is this, as it is presented as entertainment. More subtle uses would include the Hannity and Combs show. The job of Combs was to provide a weak argument against Sean Hannity, thus making him look good. That is not an easy task. Further examples are anti gun legislation written by the NRA, just so they can defeat it in Congress, and look good to their members. The first video presents a lot of questions as to what actually happened that day, but all of the questions asked are, at best, tangential to the case. The real items that need to be answered are not asked. The second video does a pretty fair job of debunking the first video, and gives feasible explanations that the first one asks. Watch both of them now, and come back here for my take on them. There are many questions that need to be asked: 1. How did Lanza enter the school which was locked? 2. Why were the children all shot with .223 rounds, but Lanza's body was found with only handguns present? 3. Why would he shoot the kids, go outside, lock his rifle in the trunk of a car, then go back into the school and shoot himself? 4. Why did he have his estranged brother's ID? 5. How did he get to the school? Why was a car registered to him found in the Sandy Hook parking lot. 6. Chris Rodia is a convicted felon. Why was a car registered to him found in the Sandy Hook parking lot. 7. Who called authorities claiming to be the principal of Sandy Hook, and naming Adam Lanza as the shooter, after the real principal was already dead? 8. Since Lanza only attended the school briefly 15 years ago, and then home schooled, how could anyone at the school identify him as the shooter? 9. How could an occasional weekend shooter, such as Lanza, shoot groups on his victims that only highly trained shooters can accomplish? 10. If the case is settled, why are American intelligence agents actively pursuing international suspects? 11. Who has the most to gain by terrorizing the American people?           

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