
Save the Males: Sandy Hook Was a Drill.

President Obama, wiping a non existent tear over the Sandy Hoax massacre. Upbeat demeanor and bad acting suggest Sandy Hook was sold to participants as a training exercise. The ensuing controversy over whether a massacre actually took place, may be intended to create confusion and division. James Tracy, a tenured professor from Florida Atlantic University, is suggesting the deaths at Sandy Hook may have resulted from a training exercise. Tracy says that "crisis actors" may have been employed in a conspiracy to shape public opinion in favor of gun control. No, these mass shootings are not about taking away your AK 47 hunting rifle. Tracy probably got the idea from the "leaked" Pottawattamie County, Iowa Emergency Management Agency document, Operation Closed  Campus Exercise Plan (Ex Plan). This describes a DHS approved drill such as Sandy Hook. Where are the bodies or photos of bodies, or crime scene photos? What about a surveillance video or still images from the scene, or a timeline that makes some sense? Look at this screen shot showing a blog post from the YouCaring.com charity website for December 10, now removed. You can find more images with the Google time stamp archived at Photos: Sandy Hook smoking guns, emerge or click here if the article was "removed" to protect National Security. The United Way victim's fundraising website page was created and titled specifically for the Sandy Hook shootings. All the dates are either around a month, or a couple of days prior to the actual shooting in the once tranquil suburban Newtown on December 14, 2012. My question is, why CNN, one of the six companies that control the media, would let Anderson Cooper or Ben Swann question whether "the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place, at least in the way law enforcement authorities, and the nation's news media have described." Fox News broadcast journalist Ben Swann, is calling for the release of the outside video to the school, where Lanza entered the building. These rampage killings are either full scale Department of Homeland Security planned drills with "crisis actors," staged MK-Ultra "false flag" events, or the latest episode of Assassination TV for aliens living on the planet Mars. Operation Rampage Killing. Do you really believe all that free band-width exists in the world so that you can watch Robbie Parker get into his acting mode, before he gives his "B" performance as a grieving parent? Do you hear him saying "do you want me to read the cards?" Or what about the Associated Press/Newsday, and the New York Daily News articles, with conflicting accounts on what really happened at Sandy Hook? December 15 AP reports: "Only the rifle was used on the victims." A statement supported by Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, Connecticut State's chief medical examiner. Carver's examination found that of the "seven autopsies he personally performed on Sandy Hook victims," all of them had "three to 11 wounds a peace." Carver says that the gunman was able to reload so quickly, because he used a "military style rifle rigged with two "taped magazines." However, later the New York Daily News reports, that of the "three guns Adam Lanza is supposed to have brought to the school, "the rifle was left in the trunk."       

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