
Stephen Lendman: Obama: Money Power's Point Man!

Throughout his tenure, Obama's done what supporters thought impossible. He's governed to the right of George Bush. He mocks rule of law principles and other democratic values. He prioritizes wars on humanity. He's waging multiple direct and proxy ones. War on terror subterfuge disguises them. He plans more. He's sending US special forces to 35 African countries. They already infest most others. CIA elements operate everywhere. They come to destabilize and disrupt, not help. France attacked Mali. Obama offered support. Ravaging another and another northern African country is planned. Expect others to follow. Obama prioritizes replacing independent governments with pro Western puppet ones. He mocks legitimate governance. He challenges Russia's military strength. He targets China's growing economic might. At the same time, he's in bed with rogue Israeli governance. He supports some of the most ruthless corrupt tyrants. He's economically and socially destructive at home. He spurns popular interests. He looted the nation's wealth. He wrecked the economy. He consigned growing millions to impoverishment without jobs. He institutionalized tyranny. He targets dissenters. Challenging political corruption, corporate crooks, or abuse of power lawlessness endangers anyone who tries. He's a con man. After all the harm he caused, half the country still supports him. He gets away with murder and much more. Most people haven't a clue. They're out of touch. They don't understand what harms them. They ignore their own welfare. Some, perhaps don't care. Others are dismissive. They know more about bread and circuses than vital major issues to address. Obama takes full advantage. He governs lawlessly. He's in bed with corrupted monied interests. They own him. He plans throwing most Americans under the bus. It's his scheme to give them more. America is more hypocrisy than democracy. Obama is money power's point man. He takes orders and salutes. He prioritizes destroying America's social contract. Domestic budget cuts will be made on the backs of ordinary people. On January 14, he did what he does best. He lied. He's a serial liar. He's a moral coward. In the White House East Room, he held his final first term press conference. Duplicity substituted for truth.  

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