
Alan Hart: The Traitors in the US Congress are Setting the Pace Again!

Those who want to see and hear how the traitors in the US Congress read from the Zionist lobby's script. The performer in action, addressing the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs subcommittee of which she is chairwoman, is a Cuban born, Republican congress woman. She is a Cuban born, Republican congress woman. She has represented Florida's 27th congressional district since 1989, and is the most senior Republican woman in the House. Before I go further, I must ask myself the question. Is it really fair to label those members of Congress who do the Zionist lobby bidding as traitors?The answer depends on whether it is, or is not in America's best interest to go on supporting unconditionally an Israel that defies international law, and UN Security Council resolutions, steals more and more Arab land and water as it continues its colonization and ethnic cleansing by stealth of the occupied West Bank, and has no interest in peace, on terms the Palestinians could accept. It is also an Israel that has attacked and killed Americans. As I note in The Liberty Affair, "Pure Murder" on a "Great Day". Chapter 2 of Volume Three of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the lesson of Israel's cold blooded attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967, was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as it's enemies, in order to get its own way. Those who have some real understanding of how the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel was created and what is sustaining it, and how US foreign policy, not only its refusal to call and hold Zionism to account for its crimes is fueling anti Americanism throughout the Muslim world and beyond, are in doubt that support for Israel right or wrong, is NOT in America's own interest. Among those who know this to be the case are, behind closed doors, more than a few in the top levels of the Obama administration, including the military and intelligence establishments. What about the president himself? He also knows, but seems unwilling to challenge the Zionist lobby's controlling grip on policy for Israel Palestine in Congress. So yes, I think it fair to label those in Congress who do Zionism's bidding as traitors. It might be that some of them truly believe it is in America's own best interests to support Israel right or wrong. That would enable them to say, "Don't be absurd. We are not traitors."       

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