
Allen L Roland: Miracle Of Heart Centered Counseling

Is self healing. The miracle of heart centered counseling is the power of love and gratefulness, for when your heart is weakened through love and gratefulness, you not only want to heal, but you also know, or at least sense your next step in the self healing process. I have proven in my own personal experience, as well as my over 35 years as a heart centered therapist and counselor that the basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness, which lies not only beyond time and space, but also beneath our deepest fears. As such, the supposition must be made, that what lies deepest within us, is not anger and pain, but instead love, joy and a state of soul consciousness. Time after time in my heart centered counseling, with both veterans and civilians, I find that once they realize that they have loved people deeply in the past, and recognize that these people were, and are still gifts in their quest to find themselves, the magic of self healing begins, aided by dreams and all sorts of unforeseen events, which happen to accelerate that process. The point must be made here on the basis of accumulated research and studies, that the pain of feeling unloved and alone or abandoned, is the most awesome pain that can be humanly experienced and obviously is capable of bringing forth hypo thalamic reactions, which affect our well being and physical health. Thus, it would appear that the pain of not feeling loved for oneself, or feeling seemingly alone and abandoned, is of such deep psychic proportions, that death would occur unless we consciously separated from our feelings, and our intuitive right brain connection to soul consciousness, in order to survive. It would also seem logical at this point, that ego conscious become more important for survival than soul consciousness, sensitivity, receptivity to the environment, as well as our deepest urge to love and unite. In Robert Ornstein's The Nature of Human Consciousness, Michael Gazzaniga comments on the appearance of this left brain dominance at an early age: "In the young child, each hemisphere of the brain is about equally developed with respect to language and speech function. We are, thus, faced with the interesting question of why the right hemisphere at an early age and state of development possesses substantial language capacity, whereas, at a more adult age, it possesses a rather poor capacity. The implication is, that during maturation, the process and systems active in making this capacity manifest are somehow inhibited, and dismantled in the right hemisphere and allowed to reside only in the left hemisphere.  

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