
BBC: GOP Attacks on Hagel Exposed. Chuck Hagel's ;

hectoring aimed at Obama: Mr Hagel went out of his way to stress he had always been a "strong friend" of Israel: The man President Barack Obama wants as his defense secretary has suffered a torrid time at the hands of his former colleagues. You would never guess that Chuck Hagel had been a Republican senator for 12 years. The men he once sat next to, treated him as an ideological enemy, with views that are repugnant. Some were also trying to settle personal scores, with a man they regard as a turncoat. In attacking him, they are also seeking to define Mr Obama, portraying his policies as defeatist and disloyal: Mr Hagel had been under attack for claiming "the Jewish lobby" had too much influence on America's politicians. So he went out of his way to stress that he had always been a "strong friend" of Israel, underscoring the fact for some Republicans, any criticism of Israel's government is unacceptable. A fellow Vietnam veteran, Senator John McCain, said he had fundamental questions about his one time friend, who broke ranks with his party over Iraq. He said he questioned Mr Hagel's judgment and his world view. He tore into the nominee for suggesting, at the time, that the Iraq surge was a potentially disastrous policy. Senator McCain wanted only "yes" or "no" answers, not explanations. It is interesting that both men assumed the surge was a potentially disastrous policy. Senator McCain wanted only "yes" or "no" answers, not explanations. It is interesting that both men assumed the surge was beyond criticism. While it is unarguable that it was a military success, it is at least possible to contend it has had little long term impact. Repeatedly, the senators insisted he gave a simple "yes" or "no" to complex questions. These are old men who hold themselves in high regard, but seem to see serious examination of difficult problems as a personal affront.   

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