
Dr. Franklin Lamb: Will Washington Grasp the Hand

being offered by the Iranian people? Will the US come to court? If Truth be told, this American observer has attended his share of international conferences, and has traveled in more than 70 countries. But never has he visited such a complex country, evolving culture, and striving energized society, populated by idealistic people of great warmth, sense of humor, and caring for those in need, as he experienced in the Islamic Republic of Iran, except when traveling in his own country. Being in Iran during these tense times, is to experience an epiphany, which is that Iranians and Americans have so very many needs and interests in common. Yes, even in our religious beliefs, that both people should immediately repair our countries relations, and return to the days when 60,000 Iranian students studied in the US, and thousands of Americans lived and worked in Iran, all in singular harmony, and with myriad mutual benefits. The deep connection among Muslims and Christians from the seventh century sacrifice at Karbala by Hussein bin Ali, and the first century sacrifice of one's self to resist injustice for the greater good of the community. This bond connects the two religions and their followers inextricably. There is probably no country more misunderstood in America than Iran, and its due almost entirely to politically motivated demonisations and misrepresentations, including, but not limited to, what President Ahmadinejad really said during speeches relating to the US and the West, and the historical imperative to liberate occupied Palestine, and every country's right to develop nuclear energy, and to live independently and free of US led western hegemony. Most American's perceptions of Iran, according to Iranian friends, are limited to images of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad accused of delivering anti American speeches. Another example are the media reports of the 2/09/13 celebration of the 34th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, where the BBC, and most other media reported the crowds were "frenzied and chanting death to America." I was there, and this report is rubbish. I did hear from time to time a few chants mixed in with revolutionary songs, religious exhortations, and just plain fun. Helping others by offering water and heavy laden older citizens or kids was the motif.       

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