
Dr. Kevin Barrett: I am not an Israeli Journalist.

I'm an American journalist: AIPAC is trying yo blackmail Chuck Hagel with this photograph, which shows him standing in front of the wrong flag: My latest Press TV op ed begins: Chuck Hagel, President Obama's Secretary of Defense nominee, is in trouble. Why? Because he famously said: "The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here. I'm not an Israeli senator. I'm a United States senator." On Friday, forty alleged American Senators blocked Hagel's nomination with a filibuster. Their message was loud and clear: "We are not United States Senators. We are Israeli Senators." Here is the ADL Lynching by ADL and "friends." Alan Hart, former BBC Mideast correspondent, expressed his disgust at the Israeli Senators' vote on my radio show, Thruth Jihad Radio, this Friday: "This is treason. Serving a foreign nation, rather than one's own, is not just wrong, it is treasonous." Ironically, my article could not be published by any American mainstream media outlet, so I had to send it to Iran based Press TV. Iran, according to conservative Catholic scholar Dr. Michael Jones, is now "the capital of the free world", while the US, now a fascist rather than a free nation, recently removed Press TV from its satellite platform, depriving the American public of access to information about who really controls their country. But still the word is getting out. The Homeland Security officers, who briefly questioned me upon my return from Iran on Thursday, nodded in agreement, when I explained how Israel controls the USA. They sincerely and enthusiastically wished me luck in my effort to awaken Americans to the truth about 9/11. To Abe Foxman's chagrin, even the Jewish comedy writers at Saturday Night Live, are embarrassed by the Israel lobby's ham handed strangle hold on America. Their recent Hagel hearings sketch, provides the last word on the moral character of those forty "patriotic Christian Republican senators" who blocked Hagel's nomination on behalf of Israel.     

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