
Gordon Duff: Hysterical Obama Hoax Shows Zionist Trail.

Timed by Israel to undermine Defense Secretary nominee, Chuck Hagel, a Vietnam War combat vet, and first "tough on Israel" American to survive the smears, so far, a shocking and utterly groundless fairy tale has been spread, traced down to World Net Daily, and a bizarre coalition of neo-cons, white supremacists, "neo Nazis" and Zionist extremists. This is more than a story, it is an investigative project. This is a rare opportunity to scour the internet, make notes, see the bloated underbelly of "the enemy' exposed. The sites carrying this vicious hoax will begin running for cover. You may have to move quickly. "You just can't make stuff like this up", as Jim Dean so often says, whom I nominated for a Nobel Prize the last four years. Below is a review of Jim Garrow's "famous book." The review is totally damning: "The overall issue with Jam's book, is that he provides no specific names, places, or events with which to confirm his story". The Internet is filled with it, mystery man "Dr. Jim Garrow," said to be a nominee for a Nobel Prize, said to be a "renowned author," spreads a bizarre slander about President Obama. However, when we try to find "Dr Garrow," we are led to ultra right wing "World Net Daily," a fanatic site run by the Israeli lobby and  the article below, the only real investigation into Garrow and who and what he really is. The filth, and I can't call it anything else, spewed in millions of emails, and across hundreds of phony news websites is a gift from heaven. As the net fills with finger-pointing about "dis-info" types,we finally have a complete list. Any site that carries the carefully crafted hoax, can only be one of two things, totally controlled or, well, you figure it out! The reading is extremely unpleasant. What have we learned? Garrow's claim that Obama has set a litmus test, forcing all military officers, in order to retain their commissions, to swear to kill Americans if ordered, is totally unsupported. Moreover, if you want to know what websites are carrying this, a thinly veiled AIPAC attack on Obama, Hagel and Dempsey, the only independent American voices for decades, simply go to www.google.com, and enter "jim garrow Obama."Dr. Jim Garrow Claims Obama asked military leaders if they will "fire on US citizens" http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=13046 

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