
Jonas E. Alexis: Dialogue with a Modern Trypho on Jewish

Historiography, ultimate reality, and the Holocaust: "There will be no other God, o Trypho, nor was there from eternity any other existing, but He who made and disposed all this universe. Nor do we think that there is one God for us, another for you, but that He alone is God, who led your fathers out from Egypt with a strong hand and a high arm. Nor have we trusted in any other, for there is no other, but in Him in whom you also have trusted, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations, are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ" Justin Martyr (AD 100-165), Dialogue with Trypho. During the fall of last year, I contacted David Turner of the Jerusalem Post, about specifically addressing his habit of making sweeping assertions with little or no evidence. Despite my strong disagreement with Turner, he certainly is to be applauded for granting me permission to put his ideas out there, so that they could be examined in light of reason, logic, and historical inquiry. I wish I was also granted permission to publish other interactions with some of the key figures in the Holocaust establishment. Critiques are invaluable for challenging you to reexamine the issues, and "iron sharpens iron." The interactions actually began, when I first asked Turner to provide the evidence for some of the claims he made in the post, including the extraordinary claim that "there was no historical record beyond Paul's epistles that refer to its central figure Jesus," leading readers to believe that the historical Jesus is a myth. Our email correspondence began, when Turner made the statement that "I check my 'facts', with a prominent first century scholar when in doubt as backup, when presenting my own 'interpretations' of events." I asked him to give me the name of the scholar, so that I could examine his work. Turner: "As I understand your focus, I cannot reveal my sources. You do seem somewhat more open than most engaged in what I see as your antisemitic anti-zionist agenda. And since you have already chosen to include me in your writings, but obviously I cannot expose my own sources to your agenda. I hope you understand?" Alexis: In a scholarly and academic research, and in the search for truth, sources are not only vital, but ought to be demanded. The whole fabric of Western civilization is built upon this premise. If I make an extraordinary claim, you ought to be able to say, "Provide the evidence." This is all I am asking, and this is why I would have liked you to give me the name of the "prominent scholar" you mentioned earlier, so that I can examine the intellectual honesty and academic integrity of his claims. I could care less about his name, I'm only interested in the evidence. Is that an "antisemitic antizionist agenda"? If not, what prompted you to say that I have an antisemitic agenda?    

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