
Stuart Littlewood: After Andreasen Defection, Wanted: more impossible women for UK

Independence party: A number of readers expressed shock and disappointment at my recent article, 'Rising star UKIP: another tool of the Zionist lobby? They had high hopes of UKIP hauling us out of the EU cesspit, and injecting commonsense into the bloated backside of Westminster politics. Furthermore, they admired Nigel Farage, UKIP's leader. That was before they saw UKIP's foreign policy on the Middle East, set out word for shameful word in the party's statement 'Out of the EU, into the world' UKIP foreign affairs.pdf, from which it appears that UKIP has quietly turned itself into another of Israel's stooges, despite that regime's illegal occupation of Palestine, its endless crimes against humanity and, not least, the arrogant disregard for its obligations under the EU-Israel Association Agreement. This unwelcome cosiness is reinforced by the mission statement of the party's 'Friends of Israel' fan club Foi-ukip.org/mission, which we're told has "tremendous' support within UKIP. MEP Marta Andreasen's sudden defection to the Conservatives is another warning that things are not as they should be at the heart of UKIP. While employed as the EU's Chief Accountant, she famously refused to sign off the 2001 accounts, and was viciously persecuted for her pains. The gaping maw of the EU swallows an annual budget of 88 billion. This year the Court of Auditors again refused to sign off the accounts for the 16th year running. an indication of how deeply mired in fraud and evil the whole ludicrous enterprise is. In her farewell, Marta said UKIP's leader Farage treats any views other than his own, with contempt, and UKIP is "his plaything to mould and shape in any way he sees fit, regardless of the views of others. His actions, surrounding himself with an old boys' club of like minded sycophants, are dictatorial." A couple of weeks earlier, she had described Farage's leadership as "Stalinist", and said that he promotes people who will never contradict him. Farage dismissed all this, by saying the Conservative Party deserves what is coming to them. "The woman is impossible." Then there's UKIP's worrisome attitude towards Iran, against which it is prepared to use "military means". However, there is still no evidence from intelligence sources or the IAEA, that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, and Iran has repeatedly said it does not intend going that far. The trouble is that few in the West want to believe what the mullahs say!

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