
Tony Cartallucci: Destroying a Nation State: US Saudi Funded Terrorists

Sowing Chaos in Pakistan: Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to reports, the terrorist group Lachkar e jhangvi has claimed responsibility for the attack. Billed as a "Sunni extremist group," it instead fits the pattern of global terrorism, sponsored by the US, Israel, and their Arab partners Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The terrorist Lashkar e Jhangvi group was in fact created, according to the BBC, to counter Iran's Islamic Revolution in the 1980's, and is still active today. Considering the openly admitted US Israel Saudi plot, to use Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the Middle East, to counter Iran's influence, it begs the question, whether these same interests are funding terrorism in Pakistan, to not only counter Iranian sympathetic Pakistani communities, but to undermine and destabilize Pakistan itself. While the United States is close allies with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, it is well established that the chief financier of extremist militant groups for the past 3 decades, including Al Qaeda, are in fact Saudi Arabia and Qatar. While Qatari state owned propaganda like Al Jazeera apply a veneer of progressive pro democracy to its narratives, Qatar itself is involved in arming, funding, and even providing direct military support for sectarian extremists from northern Mali, to Libya, to Syria and beyond. France 24's report "Is Qatar fueling the crisis in north Mali?" provides a useful vignette of Saudi Qatari terror sponsorship, stating: The MNLA, secular Tuareg separatists, al Quada linked Ansar Dine and MIJJAO, movement for unity and Jihad in West Africa, have all received cash from Doha. A month later, Sadou Diallo, the mayor of the north Malian city of Gao, which had fallen to the Islamists, told RTL radio: The French government knows perfectly well, who is supporting these terrorists. Qatar, for example, continues to send so called aid and food every day to the airports of Gao and Timbuktu. The report also stated: Qatar has an established network of institutions it funds in Mali, including madrassas, schools and charities, tat it has been funding from the 1980s, he wrote, adding that Qatar would be expecting a return on this investment. Mali has huge oil and gas potential, and it needs help developing its infrastructure, he said. Qatar is well placed to help, and could also, on the back of good relations with an Islamist ruled north Mali, exploit rich gold and uranium deposits in the country. 

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