
Veterans Today: Israel Sues Citizens For Slander,

and apologies to Turkey. "The Sixth Commandment says 'Though shalt not kill,' so why are you killing us here?" Privacy and Libel Law: The Clash with Press Freedom. Israel sues citizens for slander and apologizes to Turkey. Few newspaper editors have the capability to see the large picture, buried in their tactical manipulation of information, they often miss the odd links created by their uncoordinated decisions, sometimes to the extent of hitting their own masters. On February 23, 2013, Israeli newspaper Haaretz did just that. Its Hebrew version grouped two strangely complementing pieces. One reported on an expected apology of Israel to Turkey, due to the Freedom Flotilla crimes committed by Israel. A few days ago, Turkey and Israel became friends again, after Israel agreed to supply spying equipment that had been frozen since 2011. In parallel, the two former allies are holding negotiations to end the rupture between them. Apparently, Israel would apologize for its crimes, and would indemnify the hurt Turkish citizens, while Turkey would drop its demand of Israel to end the siege on Gaza. If an agreement would be reached, it would be announced soon after a new government is formed in Israel. The last time Israel surrendered to such pressure, was after it attacked Khaled Mashal. As often reported here, Israel understands only brute force as a negotiating tactic. After Turkey became a serious contestant to the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields, Israel decided to sue those criticizing the State. This was the topic of the article placed next to the one on Turkey. This odd mix portrayed Israel's real face, a bigot seeking to take advantage of the weak, but subservient of those holding the real power. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel published a report on an unusual topic. It was titled Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. It deals with a new trend, the State, its various organizations, corporations, and large companies are systematically suing citizens criticizing them. The process is designed to maximize the harassment of the citizens, including trials for comments placed on innocuous internet forums. David Perl is a real estate consultant. In 2011, he published several warnings in orange fruit, a popular Israeli portal, against the Eisenberg Group. The latter was selling agricultural terrains, claiming that they will be thawed for urban construction shortly afterwards. The claim was a lie!  

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