
Alfred Lilliental: Zionist Claim to Israel Unfounded!

Alfred Lilienthal, 1915-2008, was a pioneer anti Zionist Jew, whose many books demolished the Jewish case for the usurpation of Palestine: The home to which so many other Ashkenazim Zionists have yearned to return, has most likely never been theirs. Many Christians may have more Hebrew Israelite blood in their veins, than most of their Jewish neighbors. Much about organized Jewry is a fraud. God's "chosen people" actually have sought to displace Him. The Cabala, their most revered book, is a hoax. Similarly, as Alfred Lillienthal explained in this 1953 essay, their claim to Israel is yet another ruse. Zionism and the New World Order, are partly a recrudescence of Khazar imperialism. Not only Palestinians, but Americans and the whole world are victimized. As Alfred Lillienthal indicated, The Jews are not a Race. When the word Judaism was born, there was no longer a Hebrew Israelite state. The people who embraced the creed of Judaism were already mixed of many races and strains, and this diversification was rapidly growing. Perhaps the most significant mass conversion to the Judaic faith, occurred in Europe, in the 8th century AD, and that story of the Khazars, meaning Turko Finnish people, is quite pertinent to the establishment of the modern State of Israel. This partly nomadic people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, first appeared in Trans Caucasia, in the second century. They settled in what is now Southern Russia, between the Volga and the Don, and then spread to the shores of the Black, Caspian and Azov seas. The Kingdom of Khazaria, ruled by a khagan or khakan, fell to Attila the Hun in 448, and to the Muslims in 737. In between, the Khazars ruled over part of the Bulgarians, conquered the Crimea, and stretched their kingdom over the Caucasus farther to the northwest, to include Kiev, and eastwards to Derbend. Annual tributes were levied on the Russian Slavonians of Kiev. The city of Kiev was probably built by the Khazars. There were Jews in the city, and the surrounding area, before the Russian Empire was founded by the Varangians, whom the Scandinavian warriors sometimes called the Russ, or Ross, circa 855-863. The influence of the Khazars extended into what is now Hungary and Rumania. Today, the villages of Kozarvar and Kozard in Transylvania bear testimony to the penetration of the Khazars who, with the Magyars, then proceeded into present day Hungary. The size and power of the Kingdom of Khazaria is indicated by the fact that it sent an army of 40,000 soldiers in 626-627, to help Heraclius of the Byzantines to conquer the Persians. The Jewish Encyclopedia proudly refers to Khazaria as having had a well constituted and tolerant government, a flourishing trade, and a well disciplined army!

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