
Dr. Franklin Lamb: The Oft-Predicted Fickle Surian Tipping f

Point Has Tipped. Can Washington and her Allies Stop Syria's Reconciliation Efforts? The Oft Predicted Fickle Syrian Tipping Point Has Tipped. Damascus, This observer lost count more than a year ago, of the sheer number of predictions by analysts and lobbyists, that the tipping point, signaling the Assad government's collapse was a sure thing, and would happen any time now. "It's just a matter of days, not weeks" President Obama declared back in 2011. Based on personal observations and interviews, with a fair number of informed people, who actually live in Syria, as opposed to the Zionist think tank armchair "expert" variety, this observer concedes that prognosticators are finally right. In point of fact, I have concluded over the past few months, that the long elusive "tipping point" in Syria has indeed reached, and the momentum has shifted decisively in this embattled nation. But not the tipping point that the rebel promoters were hoping for, including the NATO countries. Rather, the momentum here has tipped in favor of the current regime, due to its capacity to maintain a slowly rising level of popular support, and good relations with key foreign supporters, during the current run up to next year's Presidential election. Then, it will be up to the Syrian voters to decide who stays, goes, and or joins in their next government. I base my tentative conclusions, on among others, based on the following factors. The Syrian population here is so tired, so exhausted and beaten down, the killing has gone on for so long, and the Syrian people, like the Iranians and others I have observed, appear to exhibit a distinctly noticeable, profound and almost moral and religious bond with their countrymen, and they personally feel acutely their country's suffering. Such people on the streets are very shocked and incredulous at what is going on, and many, in fact feel less strongly about either side in the conflict, and just want the slaughter to end, and for life to return to normal, even without deep revolutionary across the board changes for now. Two days ago, mortars hit the campus of Damascus University. By the grace of God, there were no casualties this time, but students report that on average about six mortars or explosive devices hit Damascus every week.     

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