
Jim W. Dean: New Genome Study Destroys Zionist Claims to Palestine!

This article did very well on Press TV. We jumped on it at VT, because we saw it's Mid East shattering implications, regarding the Zionist myth, biblical claims to Palestine. My readers know what I have always felt about a bunch of communist atheistic Jews claiming a God given right tyo anything, but this new genome study was written from a purely scientific approach . The study was covered internationally everywhere but in the US, surprise, surprise. All geopolitical implications below, are mine and not Dr Elhait's. The militant Zionists have already politicized it, by sending arch Zionist Dore Gold out to do a hit piece on this new work. Dore has handed me his head on a platter, and I will be serving it to you all on a follow up piece platter, with all the trimmings. You might want to get a good bottle of wine, to go with it. The real holocaust deniers have exposed themselves. On December 14, 2012, Dr Eran Elhait turned almost two generations of Jewish genome research upside down. But he went even further: The young Israeli American geneticist has charged former researchers with academic fraud, and he has the research to back it up! How could those eminent Jewish scientists before him have been so wrong? Easy, says Dr Elhait, "First these researchers decided what conclusions they wanted to find, and then they set off to find evidence to support it." I was not bashing Jewish scientists, What Elhait has described is a slam dunk fraud. But why? Why would Jews, who take such pride in the academic achievement, risk exposing themselves to a group deception, which was bound to be discovered later? Dr Elhait does not delve into the quicksand of the politics, but I will gladly do so. They perpetrated the fraud solely to support the bogus biblical claim to Palestine, which was anchored in their being a separate people. This distinguished them from all others, because they claimed a land title in their blood. They bet the farm on this DNA proof of purchase, a God given bar coded passport to the Palestine. Dr Elhait just erased the bar code. It was just stamped on anyway, because it was never in the blood. Why did they do it? The second half of the answer did not reveal in his research, that you had a bunch of atheist, communist Jews shoot their way into taking over the land, with the sole moral cover that 'God gave it us only'.           

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