
Jonas E. Alexis: "King Bibi" Vs. the West!

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin: "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" Mahim Maher of the Jewish Journal declared of the terrorist group Lashkar e Jhangvi last month that "I don't understand why the government, law enforcement agencies and the courts cannot just convict these terrorists once and for all. The politicians are so scared of them, and indeed so are the police, that no one takes action against them, writes against them, or convicts them. Even the judges are afraid, because these killers never forget, and never forgive. No one has the courage to deal with this problem, and all those mothers and wives who lost their loved ones, those children who lost their fathers will not forgive us for it." In the same vein, top US general James Mattis, a person who has been pushing a hawkish decision on Iran, declared of the Syrian rebels, "We don't want to inadvertently, with the best of intentions, arm people who are basically sworn enemies." But since Mattis is for the collapse of Iran, he subtly said, "The collapse of the Assad regime would be the biggest strategic setback for Iran in 25 years." All right. We all know that the Syrian rebels are largely terrorists by now. How, then, do they get the support of the neo conservative Zionist mafia? The answer is relatively simple: Israel and the Zionist regime in the West, pretend that they are fighting terrorism, but they are actually blessing terrorism by sponsoring terrorist cells, both strategically and monetarily. Next month, we will even see that the late Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, was a terrorist, and the West knew this, yet Shamir never got water boarded, or even questioned by the west for his terrorist crimes. Where are Sam Harris and Steven Pinker, and Alan Dershowitz, and the neoconservative hawks, when you need them? But since the media is largely under the guiding principles of the Zionist mafia, they tell the American people what to think. In the process, 99 percent of Americans came to believe that Iranian nukes are a threat, while US intelligence and former CIA agents such as Paul R. Pillar tell us otherwise. Moreover, when Iran does not show any evidence that it is building nuclear weapons, the Zionist regime tells us that Iran is deceiving us. "We are deeply concerned with what appears to be Iran's unwavering commitment to deception, defiance, and delay, declared Joseph Macmanus, the US ambassador to the IAEA.      

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