
Jonas E. Alexis: Me and Louis Gavin!

And don't you think that being deceived about truth is a bad thing, while having a grasp of the truth is good? And don't you think that having a grasp of the truth is having a belief, that matches the way things are? Plato, The Republic. Louis Gavin just recently accuses me of consistently framing every conceivable evil around Jews, a ridiculous notion, which Gavin has summoned, in order to make a point. Is Gavin going to accuse me of saying that Jews are responsible for Robert Mugabe's racist attitude toward white people and Christians in Zimbabwe? Are they responsible for Joseph Koney's mass murder in Uganda? Gavin has to invoke these types of arguments, because this is the only way he can make a point. He cannot justify his points from my articles, and therefore he has to take the easy route. He has to summon the greatest work of fiction imaginable, and then demolish it with great relish. In that sense, his feet are firmly planted in mid air. Gavin takes issues with the fact, that the Bolshevik Revolution was largely Jewish. In response, he says, "Do you have the slightest idea, what Jewish communities went through, during those murderous years, what level of discrimination they were subject to, how they were excluded from owning land, participating in the economy, and attending institutions of higher learning?" Gavin makes my job very easy. For those who want to know the issues surrounding Jews in Russia, I would highly recommend Erich Baberer's Jews and Revolution in Nineteenth Century Russia, published by Cambridge University Press in 2004. For further studies, I would also recommend Sarah Gordon's Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question, published by Princeton University Press in 1984. Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together, is yet to be published in English, for obvious reasons. To summarize, discrimination was largely a reaction to Jewish revolutionary activity around that time, and it had little to do with who the Jews were as people. Even some of the universities in Russia, were functions of Jewish revolutionary cells, and the government had to take drastic actions, in order to restore civility and balance. People like Veniamin Osipovich Portugalov, Lev Moiseevich Zelenskii, Nikolai Utin, Mark Natanson, among others, created subversive activities, which ended up in political upheavals and unrests.         

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