
Preston James PhD: Belt Way Whoppers.

The US government is based on very, very big lies. Even before World War 1, and afterwards, our government has a sordid history of big lies, While many of them are absurd, ridiculous lies the public will accept: Almost everything the US Government states officially is a lie! It's all necessary in order for our government to control our people. A bodyguard of lies protect the US Government from exposure of their New World Order Globe agenda against the American People. As Winston Churchill said during the Second World War, truth was so important to victory, that it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies. If the enemy were able to find out the truth, of the Allies' secret plans and deceptions, especially regarding the upcoming Invasion, the war might have been lost. Churchill identified the maintaining of deception as a primary factor in obtaining victory. The US Government uses lies as a technique of major deception. We can now assume that the US government is using major deception in a well organized attempt to obtain their victory, in a covert war against the American people, a war that most only makes sense, and few know the specifics of, but the numbers of those who know the specifics are growing by leaps and bounds every day, thanks to the alternative media on the world wide Internet. The US Government must lie to the American people, to obtain their objectives in a war against the American People. Why then, is the US Government lying about everything to the American people? What is the covert war against the American people all about, and whose interests are they fighting for? The US government is conducting a long term covert war against its own citizens to subdue them, and make them good NWO (New World Order) global citizens.The answer is, that the US Government is like every other large contemporary nation state is technically at war with its people, because most large governments of the world see their people as an enemy to be conned, subdued and entrained with New World Order Globalist values and expectations. This must be done to represent those interests of the folks, who put them in power, and essentially own them.  

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