
Robert O'Dowd: Marines Need Funds to Publish Non Fiction Book!

Story of murder, narco-trafficking and environmental contamination, written by two Marine veterans. The connection is not a square peg in a square hole, but its damn close. Marine Corps leadership was involved in murder, crime scene cover up, narco trafficking, including cocaine, the drug of choice, the shredding of records, and the denial of injuries from exposure to deadly contaminants at both El Toro and Camp Lejeune. You don't have to believe in conspiracies to understand the threat to freedom of a small but powerful group of people in, and outside of government, subverting the Constitution, effectively executing a coup d' etat. Not in the United States, this is a free country, you must be paranoid, we're the good guys, you say. It is not hyperbole to say that thousands of Americans have fought and died for the right to remain free. Life was often short for those who served and died for the right to remain free. Life was too often for those who served and died to preserve our freedom to ignore the threats of a shadow government. Marine Colonel Jim Sabow placed his television on mute, rose from his easy chair, and left his house on Fifth Street at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro through the patio door. He walked the length of the patio, called the dogs, which were in the back yard, and enclosed them in the garage. This was a practice he routinely followed when visitors were expected. Whether he opened the front door to greet his visitors, or went out the back door onto his patio is not known, but we do know that he had only moments to live. Colonel Sabow, decorated Vietnam fighter with 221 combat missions, met his death at the hand of others. The unexpected blow to the right side of the head was violent, resulting in unconsciousness. Occipital skull fragments penetrated into the back of his brain. He was near death, due to the massive brain stem trauma, in which agonal hyper ventilation characteristic of this type of injury occurs. Sabow was aspirating blood from a wound in his pharynx, that resulted from a basilar skull fracture. In fact, the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli were filed with blood, doubling the weight of the right lung. His shotgun was found under his body. No fingerprints on the gun. No suicide note. There was no mention of the tramline bruise, an indicator of the violent blow to his head, in the autopsy report or the crime scene, tampering by three men, who flashed government credentials, forcing Naval Investigative Service (NIS) agents to leave the crime scene.       

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