
Stuart Littlewood: Zionist Terror Plan is Legitimized by half wits in the West!

Another dirty word in the conspiracy to steal the land of Palestine. I have to admit, I was only dimly aware of the Dalet Plan, before reading Alan Hart's latest article: The green light for Zionism's ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The Dalet Plan, or Plan D, was the Zionist terror mob's diabolical blueprint for the violent and blood spattered takeover of the Palestinian homeland. Some call it the Palestinian holocaust, written 65 years ago, and based on three earlier schemes drafted between 1945 and 1948. It was drawn up by the Jewish underground militia, the Haganah, at the behest of David Ben Gurian, then boss of the Jewish Agency. Plan D was a carefully thought out, step by step plot choreographed in advance of the British mandate government's withdrawal,, and the Zionists' declaration of Israeli statehood. It correctly assumed that the British authorities would no longer be there. Indeed, the British had completed their departure by 15 May 1948. The Plan's intention, on the surface, was to gain control of the areas of the Jewish state, and defend its borders, but it also aimed to do much more. It included measures to control the areas of Jewish settlements and concentrations located outside Jewish borders, and ensure freedom of military and economic activity, by occupying and controlling important high ground positions on a number of transport routes. This would be achieved by, among other things, applying economic pressure on the enemy by besieging some of his cities, encirclement of enemy cities, and blocking the main enemy transportation routes, Roads, bridges, main passes, important crossroads, path, etc. must be blocked by acts of sabotage, explosions, barricades, mine fields, as well as by controlling the elevations near roads, and taking up positions there. Jewish forces would occupy the police stations, described as fortresses, fifty of which had been built by the British throughout Palestine after the Arab unrest of 1936-39. The Plan discussed operations against enemy population centers located inside, or near our defensive system, in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations included Destruction of villages, setting fire to, blowing up and planting mines in the debris, especially those population centers, which are difficult to control continuously.   

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