
Dean Henderson: Rothschild's BCCI Shake Down of Arabs!

The Bank of Credit & Commerce International's (BCCI), most notorious acts were hatched out of its Karachi branch, where the bank's Black Network (BN) operated. BN was a global intelligence and enforcement unit, that specialized in transporting arms, drugs and gold. BN operations overlapped with the operations of CIA, Israeli Mossad, the Pakistani ISI and Saudi intelligence, all of whom had accounts at BCCI. BN served as middleman for Saudi aid to both the Nicaraguan contras, and the Afghan mujahadeen, aid which was being solicited by Richard Secord. BN worked extensively with the Israeli Mossad to coordinate Israeli arms deals, especially to Arab countries. Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi was often at the middle of these deals, along with Manucher Gorbanifar, the former SAVAK agent for the Shah of Iran, whose prowess in the fine arts of torture had landed him a job at Mossad. BN had close ties to Lieutenant Colonel Amatzia Shuali, an Israeli who split time training Nicaraguan contras and Guatemalan death squads. BCCI was banker to Columbian drug kingpin Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, and had numerous branches in that country. In 1984, at the height of the contra war, BCCI founder Abedi bought Banco Mercantil in Columbia. In 1989, when Columbian officials raided Gacha's farm, they found Galil assault rifles in crates marked Israeli Military Industries. The guns had been used in Mossad's training of Gacha's paramilitary army, which was instructed to assassinate Columbian union leaders. Another Israeli with close ties to BN, was Ari Ben Menashe, who helped the Reagan Administration arm Iran. BN helped Iraqi President Saddam Hussein stash $30 million in skimmed oil revenues from his country's Treasury, while simultaneously
brokering Iraqi Scud missile purchases. The bank brokered nuclear weapons deals for Iraq, Libya, Argentina and Pakistan. It financed Italian tank sales to Abu Dhabi, North Korean artillery sales to Dubai, Chinese Silkworm missile sales to Saudi Arabia, Brazilian rocket launcher sales to Iran and Iraq, Argentine tank sales to Iraq, and French Mirage fighter plane sales to Pakistan, India, Peru, Libya and the GCC Gulf States. They even supplied the tanks to the Kuwaitis for the victory march, following Operation Desert Storm, along with Eastern European personnel to drive the tanks, while the inept Kuwaitis rode on top waving flags.

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