
Gilad Atzmon: Controlled Opposition, From Goldstein to Soros and Beyond!

Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing, or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular. In his new book, The Invention Of The Land of Israel, Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, manages to present conclusive evidence of the far fetched nature of the Zionist historical narrative, that the Jewish Exile is a myth, as is the Jewish people, and even the Land of Israel. Yet, Sand and many others, fail to address the most the most important question: If Zionism is based on myth, how do the Zionists manage to get a way with their lies, and for so long? If the Jewish homecoming, and the demand for a Jewish national homeland, cannot be historically substantiated, why has it been supported by both Jews and the West for so long? How does the Jewish state manage for so long to celebrate its racist expansionist ideology, and at the expense of the Palestinian and Arab peoples? Jewish power is obviously one answer, but, what is Jewish power? Can we ask this question, without being accused of being Anti Semitic? Can we ever discuss its meaning, and scrutinize its politics? Is Jewish Power a dark force, managed and maneuvered by some conspiratorial power? Is it something of which Jews themselves themselves are shy? Quite the opposite, Jewish power, in most cases, is celebrated right in front of our eyes. As we know, AIPAC is far from being quiet about its agenda, its practices or its achievements. AIPAC, CFI in the UK and CRIF in France, are operating in the most open manner, and often openly brag about their success. Furthermore, we are by now accustomed to watch our democratically elected leaders shamelessly queuing to kneel before their pay masters. Neocons certainly didn't seem to feel the need to hide their close Zionist affiliations. Abe Foxman's Anti Defamation League (ADL), works openly towards the Judification of the Western discourse, chasing and harassing anyone, who dares voice any kind of criticism of Israel or even Jewish choseness. And of course,the same applies to the media, banking and Hollywood. We know about the many powerful Jews, who are not in the slightest bit shy about their bond with Israel, and their commitment to Israeli security, the Zionist ideology, the primacy of Jewish suffering, Israeli expansionism, and even outright Jewish exceptionalism. But, as ubiquitous as they are, AIPAC, CFI, ADL, Bernie Madoff, liberator Bernard Henri Levy, war advocate David Aaronovitch, free market prophet Milton Friedman, Steven Spielberg, Haim Saban, Lord Levy, and many other Zionist enthusiasts and Hasbara advocates, are not necessarily the core or the driving force behind Jewish Power, but are merely symptoms, 

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