
Roi Tov: Ameeican Palestinian Jailed by Israel. Does it Matter?

Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel Ezekiel 37:11. On April 5, 2013, a 14 year old boy with American and Palestinian citizenship was arrested by Israel, on April II, he reached the military court at the "Ofer Prison". It was an event which this website wouldn't have missed the opportunity to comment on, yet that didn't happen. Three days afterwards, Al Jazeera came out with the story, titling it Israel arrests 14 year old US citizens. Another four days passed, and I got from a goof friend an email with the article. Seconds afterwards, I found the story all over the web, Google reported four million results on a search with the article's title, I had missed the opportunity . In such cases, I keep the information, and later on use it to add depth to subsequent analyses. I knew for sure, that this wouldn't be the last Israeli crime. You put things into a wider sociological context, he wrote, hinting that he expected an article on the topic from me. My having missed the item was not casual. The arrest of Mohammad Khaleq, born in New Orleans, had not been reported by the Hebrew media. Writing under harassment, my missing an important item published by international media id understandable, and actually even functional, since it provides an awesome example of Israeli censorship. Let me rephrase, it was a formidable example of Israeli Orwellian reality. 1984 is here, 1984 is now. Yet, there is another reason for my being exonerated. On March 30, in Land Day Looting, I commented on the arrest by Israel of Ahmed Abu Ramaylah, an 8 year old boy, in Hebron. An indefatigable enemy of the Zionist State, he is ridiculously dangerous, while not playing with his Mickey Mouse toys. The problem is that Israel jails 700 children every year. It is clearly legal, but utterly illegitimate. Most children prosecuted in Israeli military courts are charged with throwing stones. This is an offence under Section 212 of Military Order 1651. It says: Throwing an object, including a stone, at a person or property with the intent to harm the person or property, carries a maximum penalty of 10 year's imprisonment. On March 6, UNICEF published Children in Israeli Military detention, Observations and Recommendations. The report defines the reality in the West Bank as a large torture camp, in which Israel is torturing Palestinian children. UNICEF is so aware that the Israeli Administration is unable to comprehend the topic, even to differentiate between good and evil, that it added the following: The prohibition against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment is universal and absolute.   

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