
Gordon Duff: South Africa's Racist Policies!

World News Tomorrow, Washington DC. Does White People or European decedent people have any future in South Africa, we can ask? According to BBC film, the answer is Yes, if they could put the embittered past behind them and embrace the country's new realities, but this is far from being the case, according to Policy experts. World News decided to look at white poverty, something which scarcely seemed to exist a few decades ago, and at the continued murders white farmers. When an article based on the film appeared on the BBC's website, there was a strong reaction in South Africa with mixed feeling. Few denied that there was indeed a growing poverty among white South Africans and most avoided speaking about the white farmers that were being murdered at an alarming rate. Few denied that there was indeed a growing poverty among white South African, and most avoided speaking about the white farmers that were being murdered at an alarming rate. Global genocide recently confirmed that more than 3700 white farmers were murdered since 2004, and the same were confirmed by some opposition political parties within the Country. Farmitraker has kept good count, and records of these murders, with some of them including whole families with children as young as 3 month. It seems that the figures are in question according to some. The civil society organization AfriForum consulted a charity which works with poor Afrikaners, Solidariteit Helpende Hand, and estimated a figure of up to 400,000 white people living in poverty. Real figures indicate that its closer to 670, 000 and that is rapidly increasing. The source of the estimate and they stand by their figures. Other estimates vary wildly, and any figure is inevitably only an estimate, but certainly is getting more by the day. The false figures released by the 2011 census in South Africa said that only 7,754 white households lived in informal settlements. That would indicate that something like 31,000 people lived this way. It now becomes clear that billions of rand's is wasted in producing figures that is influencing the World Bank decision on financial aid, is in fact false and inaccurate. It seems that there is a dispute about about numbers, and according to BBC, it was the numbers that seemed to have upset people in South Africa. However, the question should be asked at which point do murders become genocide, if they are proofed to be linked to political motives. Is it one farmer two three or 1000. More dangerous is the question not haw many, but when Genocide watch is going to react if they will react at all?

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