
Dr. Franklin Lamb: Hezbollah's Palestinian Problem and Vice Versa!

Palestinian youth, facing a bleak future because they are barred by Lebanese law from even the most elementary civil rights to work or to own a home. Some have succumbed to the allure of $200 per month, free cigarettes, and an AK-47 and have joined one of the literally hundreds of militias operating in Syria with affiliated jihadists currently scoping out and probing Lebanon. Some point out those Palestinian refugees in Syria should not be seen as betraying those who have helped them most. This includes the undeniable fact that Palestinian refugees in Syria have been granted by its government, for more than six decades rights to education, medical care, housing, employment, even with the government, as well as preferential treatment in many instances. In addition, Syria have been granted by its government, for more than six decades, rights to education, medical care, housing, employment, even with the government, as well as preferential treatment in many instances. In addition, Syria has granted them identity and travel documents, on a basis that no other Arab League country has ever granted them. This despite decades of Arab potentates blathering interminably about supporting the bloodstream and sacred cause of Palestine. So there is festering resentment among some when certain media blare that Palestinian groups such as Hamas, are with the rebels and are insisting that Hezbollah fighters not enter Syria under any pretext. Hamas stands accused of closing their Damascus offices, accepting a $400 million grant from Syria's nemesis Qatar, and of joining the US Israel axis, by harming their own people, as well as undermining the Resistance to the Zionist regime in the process. Certain other Palestinians in camps such as Yarmouk in Syria and Shatila in Lebanon tacitly accuse Hamas of abandoning the Palestinian cause and misguidedly sparking sectarian strife with Hezbollah. Others argue just the opposite and blame Hezbollah. Some Palestinians are also said to be carrying guns for the Saida, Lebanon based, Salafist cleric Sheik Ahmed al Asir, the imam of Sidon's Bilal bin Rabah Mosque, while supporting his anti Hezbollah Assad regime movement which is trying to unite Sunnis, who make up roughly 85% of the world's Muslim population, to eliminate Shia Muslims. The Rocket Men that Elton John never considered for the song. Syrian government forces claim that Hamas has even trained Syrian rebels in the manufacture and use of home made rockets. Some Hezbollah fighters go further and complain that they turned around and used their fighting skills and IED's against Hezbollah forces in al Qusayr ands are preparing to do the same, with larger numbers, in the coming battle for Aleppo, Syria's largest city.

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