
Gordon Duff: Doomsday Weapons To Syria: Putin!

Russian Advanced Weapons for Syria: Unrevealed Secrets of Vladimir Putin's Recent Visit to London. Thermobaric barrage seen for the first time. We had reported earlier that when the Israelis used an American made mini-nuke bunker buster in the Damascus attack that they had crossed Russia 'quiet red line' of using a tactical nuke against an non attacking opponent. This not only forced them to move Syrian air space defenses to block additional Israeli attacks, but also get fully deployed when the calls from the Israeli Lobby shills like John McQaeda McCain and Lindsy Graham for a no fly zone, which none of our military thinks is a smart idea, the wrong fight, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. With the Russian navy back in the Mediterranean and the Israelis threatening to attack their air defense systems to protect their defensive deployment. Unsaid has been that any pre-emptive attack on the Russians would be dealt with in a full response so that the attacking party could then explain to it's citizens once again why Syria was worth the devastation. NATO is a hollow shell, that could not fight its way out of a paper bag. America is expected to do most everything and of course pay for it. And if someone on our side makes an aggressive move, I expect to see a quick response. We would do the same. But no one is threatening us. We and our proxies are the threatening parties here, taking us to war inch by inch, thinking they will be able to pull some incident out of the hat to make it all look like we were attacked and then responded. No one will believe that, because it will not be true. And if the Saudis and Gulf States think they are going to move armor into Syria and not pay a price for it. I suspect they will be getting an education the hard way. Jim W. Dean. The following report comes to us from intelligence sources that have been able to confirm some of the legend behind the story. If this is true, and we have confirmed that the S 300 missile defense system has been, for some weeks now, in the hands of the Syrian military, despite denials by the pop culture press, Putin has made an interesting and very necessary move. Now, reports indicate that the S 300 missile defense system has been, for some weeks now, in the hands of the Syrian military despite denials by the pop culture press, Putin has made an interesting and very necessary move. Now, reports indicate that the S 400 system is either inside Syria now or in the process of delivery. There are no confirmations. The S 400 system has a range of over 400 miles and is considered more than a decade ahead of the most advanced US counterpart.

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