
Roi Tov: Columnist: Jews are Allowed to Puncture Tires, Palestinians Not!

Knesset Member Shula Mu'alem-Rafaeli. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, Genesis 17:17. The Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) today welcomed a Supreme Court ruling on federal benefits for married same sex couples and urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement the decision and provide equal treatment for the spouses and children of all veterans. As the latter, Israel features an active Eugenics Program, sterilizes undesired citizens, and implements a Psikhushka program. Beyond this, Israel features a hyper advanced legal system that can be summarized in a short paragraph. I wouldn't bother my busy readers with a complete summary of the Israeli legal system. However, this is relevant for the understanding of what happened. Moreover, it is such a short task that the effort is justified. Let's make a hierarchic list of its principles. 1. The Government and its Officials are always right. 2. In a dispute among Jews, the closer to the Government is right. 3. In a dispute between Jews and non-Jews, the Jews are right. 4. A dispute between non-Jews is irrelevant. Much more succinct and better than the Ten Commandments. Who needs Moses? A very short interlude for non-regular visitors. On June 18, 2013, the Israeli Police published its report on Price Tag terror attacks. On the same morning, an attack took place in Abu Gosh, near Jerusalem, creating the image above. The specific events and subsequent government decisions are described in Racism or Assimilation. Netanyahu declined to define Price Tag as a Jewish terror Organization. Instead, it was declared a non-authorized organization. This will be formalized by the Minister of Defense, who would be able to act against them according to the Emergency Hour Law. This means that detainees could be held practically indefinitely without being allowed to meet a lawyer. All their belongings could be confiscated without any proper process. Contempt of Terror. A report originating in the Israeli government must be read thrice, before reading
it twice more times. The only thing one can be sure of is that it is booby-trapped by the world's most experienced tricksters. The above mentioned decision was not different. Netanyahu passed the hottest potato in his large plate to the Ministry of Defense. The bottom line is that he made the army responsible for tackling Price Tag. In fact, Netanyahu approved actions of Price Tag within the Green Line since the IDF has no jurisdiction within Israel. Price Tag became a non-authorized organization allowed to terrorize within Israel, but forbidden in the West Bank. Similar actions committed by Palestinians would be brutally dealt with by the Shin Beth secret police, whether they took place within the Green Line or in the West Bank.    

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