
Roi Tov: Western Last Bastion Quivers. Their quiver is an open sepulchre:

Jeremiah 5:16. In a Goebelian reality, where regimes claiming to be democracies do nothing but misinform, cheat, and spy on their citizens, it is difficult to deduce what is really happening in their latest war. Especially, when the Western last bastion in this event is quivering badly. Aleppo is falling. The international coalition attacking Syria has panicked. Two events that took place on June 21 and 22, 2013, bear strong signs that something went wrong in Syria. A couple of years ago. I told the West over my website, that Syria is neither Libya nor I added later Mali, Alas they didn't listen. A legitimate regime answered an attack of well equipped mercenaries that was sporadically helped by the air forces of Israel and Turkey. A legitimate regime answered an attack of well equipped mercenaries that was sporadically helped by the air forces of Israel and Turkey. A legitimate regime is holding strong for over two years. In the last months, the wheel is turning against the aggressors. In a strong indication that Syria received Russian S300 missiles, which limited Western air support of the mercenaries, the latter suffered recently a series of military setbacks, see After Syria, Begging Assassin Attacks Turkey. On June 7, the Syrian Army regained control of Qusair, a strategic city on the northern border between Syria and Lebanon. On June 10, Syria opened an offensive against Aleppo, the country's second city, its commercial heart and the last significant stronghold of the mercenaries. On Friday 22, the spokesman for the mercenary Free Syrian Army said that they have begun a new offensive in the northern city of Aleppo. Considering that they are supposed to have control in Aleppo, this is a strange statement. Imagine the USA Army Spokesman saying: We have begun a new offensive on Washington. The mercenaries are being slowly subjugated. Friends of Syria attack Syria. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength, said said George Orwell on the London Regime as described in 1984. Orwell is a true giant of Freedom, yet, he forgot to add Friends are enemies. While the mercenaries were nonchalantly disclosing their defeat, Qatar's PM Sheik Hamad bin Jassim bin al-Thani said providing arms may be the only means of achieving peace. Yes, sure, War is Peace. Our friend, another obvious fan of Orwell though from the evil side, wasn't speaking over a cup of coffee with Mr. Cameron. The warmongering words were uttered during a formal meeting of foreign ministers of the Friends of Syria group that took place in Qatar on June 21 and 22. The group includes Qatar, US, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. Israel sent several cheerleaders.      

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