
Veterans Today: Syria: the Art of Standing on the Right Side of History!

The ongoing Syrian crisis will be certainly viewed by future generations as a classic example of how a completely false reality, as presented by the dominant Western political class and corporate media, has inscrutably resulted in the moral and political reinforcement of the opposing party, which was desperately defending the principles of law and justice under unprecedented pressure from a transnational party of war. Despite the undisguised skepticism voice on the eve of the summit in Lough-Erne by some of the G8 leaders toward the Russian stance on the Syrian crisis, the talks turned to be a diplomatic victory of Putin. He stood firm in his position on Syria, while the Western leaders had to accept the obvious: there is now way to oust President Assad from his post by legal means. The G8 summit in Lough-Erne failed to put political pressure on Bashar al-Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons against the rebels, nor was it able to obtain Russia's consent to additional UN Security Council actions in favor of the Syrian opposition. The tough Russian position on Syria is increasingly in step with the approaches of some sober minded politicians in the West. Zbignew Brzezinski, a well known US political analyst and statesman of Polish descent, who can hardly be suspected of supporting Russian policies elsewhere, literally said in an interview with MSNBC right on the eve of the G8 summit: The West is absolutely engaging in mass propaganda by portraying the Syrian conflict as a fight for democracy when many of the rebels want anything but. They pledge allegiance to Al Qaeda, explicitly call for Sharia law, kill thousands of Christians, use terrorist tactics yet our corrupt political class pretend arming them will produce democracy. It's no wonder Putin's commitment to bringing all parties of the conflict to the negotiating table in Geneva, without any preliminary conditions as well his straightforward replies during a memorable press conference with the British PM David Cameron, got a positive response from a wide spectrum of Western civil society. Boris Johnson, a British Conservative and the incumbent major of London, specifically stated in an article for the Telegraph: This is the moment for a total ceasefire, an end to the madness. It is time for the US, Russia, the EU, Turkey, Iran, Saudi and all the players to convene an intergovernmental conference to try to halt the carnage. We can't use Syria as an arena for geopolitical point scoring or muscle flexing, and we won't get a ceasefire by pressing weapons into the hands of maniacs. His viewpoint is shared by a large number of British parliamentarians, both Conservatives and Labourites, who urge Cameron not to initiate any arm deliveries to the Syrian opposition without approval from parliament.  

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