
By John V. McDermott for Veterans Today: Detroit 9/11 Terror!

Has the Metropolitan Detroit area demonstrated any greater connection to domestic terrorism events and developments? Have any of those same domestic events been so-called False Flag events intended to mislead public opinion by falsely implicating people who were not wholly responsible for the events? Are there any demonstrable relationships between or among those persons from Metropolitan Detroit who have figured prominently in these terrorism related events? Were Carl Levin and Arthur Radford Baker in communication between March 2001 and September 11, 2001? Did Carl Levin receive information about the Gomel Chesed Cemetary informant from Arthur Radford Baker? Did Arthur Radford Baker receive instructions from Carl Levin to reject or discourage the Gomel Chesed informant? Why would the FBI assign a Congressional Affairs Liaison to respond to an informant from Newark, alleging a terrorism threat? Were Carl Levin and Arthur Radford Baker in communication between March 2001 and September, 11, 2001? Did Carl Levin receive information about the Gomel Chesed informant? Why would the FBI assign a Congressional Affairs Liaison to respond to an informant from Newark alleging a terrorism threat? Was Baker assigned to the Gomel Chesed matter by the Administration's transitional FBI hierarchy or by the fiat of Carl Levin? Why did Carl Levin seemingly interrupt the questioning of Richard Myers by another Senator on September 13, 2001? Was there some collusion between Levin and Myers regarding Myers' confirmation? Was there some collusion between Levin Myers regarding Myers' confirmation? Was there come collusion between Levin and Myers regarding the apparent NORAD stand down on September 11, 2001? Was Myers' confirmation as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a quid pro-quo promised by Levin or others for Myers standing down NORAD on 9/11? Was Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin one of the principal planners of the 9/11 attacks? Michigan native Terry Nichols is a convicted accomplice in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing which claimed the lives of 168 people. Nichols met his future co-conspirator Tim McVeigh during as brief stint in the US Army. In 1994 and 1995, Nichols and McVeigh practiced ammonium nitrate bomb making at or near a Nichols' family property in eastern Michigan's Thumb region. No fewer than 24 witnesses saw Timothy McVeigh, just before and after the explosion, with a man who could not have been either Terry Nichols or convicted accomplice Michael Fortier. The FBI refused to release the many security camera videos from nearby properties which would have captured images of this other unidentified suspect.

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