
Jim W. Dean: Jim Dean Debates Choudary, Radical Salafist Cleric!

Anjen Choudary, Who is the man behind the eyes? and who does he really work for? I got a call Sunday morning about doing this Press TV show, debating Choudary on Syria. So it was Christmas in July for me with Santa coming early. The transcript below is just my part. PTV does like to do full show transcripts as that is too long a format for their news section. Choudary is an old street fighter, but he made his first goof early in the show when he put the entire 100,000 dead from the Syrian war all at Assad's doorstep, like we all live on another planet and are not aware of what his Salafist buddies have been doing there. I could not hijack the show from the host and turn in into a mugging of Choudary as the topic was the Kurds and al-Nusra fighting in northern Syria. But I went ahead and submitted an article to Press TV's Viewpoints. Sunday night where I used the interesting material I had found on the man behind the Foster Grants with the twinkle in his eye, like he is enjoying the role he is playing immensely. The longer commentary format gave me room to get some needed licks on the Salafist Jihadi crazies and their international supporters, which incredibly include us as our Gulf proxies and arming these religious thugs. Enjoy the show. I surely did. West, Israelis exploiting divisions in Syria case: Dean. Chournary pushing Sharia for Britain, January 12, 2010, Sometimes that looks like a classical psychological operation to stokes people's fears of Muslims,, better to fight them over there, than here. Press TV has invited Jim W. Dean, the editor of the Veterans Today from Atlanta, to shed more light on the latest developments in the political scene in Syria. Following is an approximate transcription of the interview. Choudary's Salafists, Chop people's heads off, blame it on Assad. Press TV: Mr. Dean why do you think that we are starting to see a growing role in the Syrian conflict by the Kurds at this time? Dean: Well, I am not surprised because you have had a lot of major developments with some of these ongoing battles with the Kurds, particularly with Iraq basically coming to an arrangement with them to try to end the longstanding, never-ending fights going on there. And then of course with al-Nusrah, basically, trying to carve off a northern part of Syria, so they can establish a quasi-Islamic state there, that is going to run head to head against the Kurds because these Islamist, radical crazies, they do not respect or honor anyone's rights, interests, or whatever. Once they get control, It is going to rule via the knife and getting your head chopped off if they have any problems with you. Press TV: Mr. Dean, why do you think that we are starting to see a growing role in the Syrian conflict by the Kurds at this time? Dean: Well, I am not surprised because you have had a lot of major developments with some of these ongoing battles with the Kurds, particularly with Iraq basically coming to an arrangement with them to try to end the longstanding, never-ending fights going on there. 

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