
Jim W. Dean: Zionist Link to Egyptian Army Exposed!

Israel warns US against Egypt aid cut. Israel has always kept its close coordination with Egypt's military low key, even though the Camp David Accords required some obvious interaction. But on the other hand, the Israelis have actually defaulted on them as their own archives show they never had any intention of fulfilling any plans for a Palestinian peace. They figured they could always negotiate indefinitely, or not, and blame that on the Palestinians. No political entity in America would ever challenge them on their bad faith. But their going public supporting the US subsidy to the Egyptian army was totally unnecessary. It was not needed, since the Obama administration had already worked out a way to avoid cutting off aid through the interim government being set up right away with a call for early elections. But the Israelis would never do something like this for no reason, and that reason would never be for anyone else's benefit but theirs. So I must assume that they wanted to taint the Egyptian military as pro Israeli to stoke the probability of more Muslim Brotherhood violence against them to crank up another Syrian style blood letting and destabilization. The Israeli regime has reportedly warned Washington against cutting military aid to Egypt in response to the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi by the African country's army. Israeli officials repeatedly asked senior American officials not to halt the USD 1.3 billion in aid, the US administration gives to Egypt every year, Israeli daily Haaretz said on Tuesday, citing an unnamed American official. The paper said that marathon phone calls about the recent development in Egypt took place between Israeli and American officials over the weekend. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State John Kerry, while Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Ya'alon spoke with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The calls were aimed at coordinating US and Israel position on Egypt following the overthrow of Morsi's government, the American official said. The Tel Aviv regime warned that the US aid cut would likely have negative impacts on Israel's security, particularly its peace treaty with Egypt. The American official also told the daily that the Tel Aviv regime as worried that the US government would suspend the annual military aid. The paper added that Israel might ask the US administration to find a way to continue supplying aid to Egypt. Under the US law, the government has to suspend foreign aid to any country whose elected leader is toppled in a coup. Obama has so far stopped short of describing the events in Egypt as a coup. White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday that the US administration would not stop providing military aid to Egypt as it was still reviewing whether or not to label Morsi's ouster a coup.

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