
Roi Tov: Columnist: Gzerot Ramadan!

Love thy neigh-bour as thyself, Leviticus 19: 18. Few languages are better equipped than Hebrew to deal with pain and institutional abuse. It differentiates between a regular scream and a painful one, creating a linguistic paradise for torturers. It even has a special word for unjustified collective punishment, the result of the people's need to deal linguistically with the intrinsic injustice of their despotic leaders. In July 2013, the Zionist leadership imposed the plural of gzera on its Palestinian population ahead of Ramadan. Israel and Ramadan. Since the 1967 War, Israel became the military ruler of Jerusalem, including what is colloquially called The Old City, though it is not exactly old. Two millennia of debris had changed the landscape of Jerusalem. Old City is the name of the area enclosed by an Ottoman Empire Wall, which by local standards cannot be considered truly old. It is not even middle aged, it was built in 1538 by local standards cannot be considered truly old, it is not even middle aged, it was built in 1538 by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Biblical Golgotha is within its walls, within them everything is flat, to the extent that it is difficult to imagine the Via Dolarosa as the steep way Jesus walked to His crucifixion. In 1980, Israel formally annexed the Old City in a step condemned worldwide. Until 1980, Israel formally annexed the Old City in a step condemned worldwide. Until 1967, this newish Old City was divided in six parts. The Armenian, Christian, Jewish, Moroccan and Muslim Quarters were all dwarfed by the Temple Mount, Haram Al Sharif in Arabic, Har HaBait in Hebrew. The Dome of the Rock on it dates back to the 7th Century, to the Umayyad Caliphate, and is one of the oldest surviving structures in the city. Following the 1967 War, the Moroccan Quarter,, which was located in front of the Western Wall, the largest reminder of the Jewish Second Temple, was removed by the IDF in order to create the large esplanade existing nowadays in front of the Wall. The remaining area of this quarter was annexed to the Jewish Quarter. The religious, ethnic definition of the quarters is true historically, but not enforced by the different civilian authorities that controlled the area in recent centuries, all the quarters had mixed populations. Showing how weak the Israeli presence in the area is, the Old City was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site only in 1981, by a petition of Jordan. Similarly, Bethlehem's Nativity Church was awarded the status by petition of Jordan. Similarly, Bethlehem's Nativity Church was awarded the status by a petition made by Palestine. This is due to a simple fact, once the site is registered as a World Heritage Site, it must be restored and faithfully kept.

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