
By Stephen Lendman: False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria. Pretext for All Out War?

False flags are an integral part of covert US military-intelligence ops: " a deliberate gross distortions of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic. " Official stories are false. They're contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. They point fingers the wrong way. They're pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures. Wednesday's Ghouta incident raises disturbing questions. It was clear anti-Syrian provocation. No evidence suggests Assad's involvement. Clear analysis shows he'd have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Syrian insurgents used chemical weapons numerous times before. Clear evidence proves it. Media scoundrels suppressed it. They substituted lies for truth. They do it every time. It's standard practice. On August 23, Russia Today headlined "Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident-Russia." According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich: We're getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature.""In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against the government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action."It reflects "another anti-Syrian propaganda wave. Calls for force "heard from EU capitals are unacceptable." Assad demonstrated a "constructive approach." He did so by letting UN experts investigate sites of previous chemical weapon attacks. Insurgents don't display a similar cooperative willingness, Lukashevich added. "This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria, which is called for by a number of countries and which the Russian side supports." On August 23, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) headlined "Two phone calls affirm the use of chemical weapons in Homs by terrorists," saying: "A phone call between a terrorist affiliated to the so-called 'Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion' in Homs and his boss who was called Adulbasit from Saudi Arabia uncovered that terrorists used the chemical weapons in Deir Ballba in Homs countryside." "During a phone call broadcast on the Syrian TV Channel, the terrorist said that his group which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, adding that they needed to buy weapons to attack the City of Homs." "The Saudi financier who was present in Cairo asked the Syrian terrorists about details on his group and the way they will receive the money, admitting his support to terrorists in Daraa and Damascus Countryside, in turn the Syrian terrorist told him that one of the achievements of his 'Battalion' was the use of chemical weapons in Deir Ballba." "In the same context, another phone call reveled the cooperation between tow terrorist groups to bring two bottles of Sarin Gas from Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus." All indications suggest insurgents' responsibility for Wednesday's incident. Was America complicit? Was Israel? Were key NATO allies and/or rogue regional partners?     

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