
By Tony Cartalucci: "Doctors" Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims are Aiding Terrorists!

The "evidence" upon which the West is propping up its narrative of the Syrian government using chemical weapons against large numbers of civilians hinges so far entirely on claims made by "Doctors Without Borders." In the New York Times article, "Signs of Chemical Attack Detailed by Aid Group," it is reported: An international aid group said Saturday that medical centers it supported near the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack near Damascus received more than 3,000 patients showing symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic nerve agents on the morning of the reported attack. Of those, 355 died, said the group, Doctors Without Borders. The statement is the first issued by an international organization working in Syria about the attack on Wednesday in the suburbs northeast of Damascus, the capital. While it is often described by the Western media as "independent," nothing could be further from the truth. To begin with, Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier behind Wall Street and London's collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran. Doctors Without Borders' own annual report includes as financial donors, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg, Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, and a myriad of other corporate-financier interests. Doctors Without Borders also features bankers upon its Board of Advisers including Elizabeth Beshel Robinson of Goldman Sachs. Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called "independ" and "aid" claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria's northern border with NATO member Turkey. In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders' Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization's involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government's involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government's control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas. Cornish admits: Over the past months, we've had a surgery that was opened inside a cave. We've had another that was opened inside a cave. We've had another that was opened in a chicken farm, a third one in a house. And these structures, we've tried to outfit them as best we can with enough modern technology and with full medical teams. They originally were dealing mainly with combatant injuries and people who were, civilians who were directly affected by the conflict. In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called "international aid" organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves as a role as a medical battalion. The "hospitals" in Damascus being supported by Doctors Without Borders are in areas now under threat of being retaken by government forces, and it's these facilities that the Western media is drawing on for "evidence" that first, a chemical attack took place, and second, that it was the government who carried it out.     

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