
Steve Watson: Infowars.com: Kucinish: "Everybody Lies To Congress, Abolish NSA, Celebrate Snowden"

There should be a 'death penalty' for government agencies that betray the American people. Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich slammed the Obama administration late last week, saying that the NSA should be celebrated with a ticker-tape parade. Kucinich, known for his strong stance on privacy and civil liberties, urged attendees at the premiere of a documentary on government and corporate abuse of digital data that was unacceptable to allow the government to continue to destroy constitutional rights. "We have the CIA, the FBI, a dozen other intelligence infrastructures. Frankly and I'm saying this with a lifetime's experience in government here, it's time to punch the NSA's ticket here." Kucinich stated at the showing of the film Terms and Conditions May Apply. Rep. Dennis Kucinich Slams NSA at "Terms & Conditions" "They've ruined the brand. They've destroyed the idea of privacy." he added. "We need some kind of symbolic and profound approach here, that says, 'look, you've violated something that's very dear to the American people, you don't get to do that." "We need some kind of symbolic and profound approach here, that says, 'look, you've violated somethingthat's very dear to the American people, you don't get to do that." Kucinich urged. "We talk
about the death penalty for individuals, which I oppose, but I think there needs to be for government agencies that so broadly betray the public interest," Kucinich added. "There needs to be a measure of responsibility. And if they go beyond the pale, which the NSA has, they just ought to be abolished. We don't need the spying." he asserted. The former Ohio Congressman, who left office earlier this year, stated "In a just world, Snowden, we'd be having ticker tape parades for him. But thay's not what's going to happen." Speaking about Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper lying to Congress about the NSA's spying techniques, Kucinich stated: "Well, you know it's legal to lie to Congress, but everyone lies to Congress. As soon as they raise their right hand, watch out! Clapper should be held responsible, but he won't be, because that's the condition we're in right now." Fresh revelations of NSA abuses were met late Friday by with a response from the agency that the spy agency was "not trying to break the law." "These are not willful violations, they are not malicious," John DeLong, NSA director of compliance, told reporters. In a blatant attempt to diffuse the revelations, Senator Diane Feinstein, Chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence, echoed the comments, stating "The majority of these 'compliance incidents' are unintentional and do not involve any inappropriate surveillance of Americans." "As I have said previously, the committee has never identified an instance in which the NSA has intentionally abused its authority to conduct surveillance for inappropriate purposes." Feinstein added.     

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