
by Mikael Thalen: Ron Paul: Syria Chemical Attack A 'False Flag'

During an interview on Fox Business' Cavuto Wednesday, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) commented on the unfolding situation in Syria, specifically calling the recent chemical attack a 'false flag' likely carried out by the US backed al Qaeda filled rebels. "I think it's a false flag" said Paul. "Why don't we ask about the Al Qaeda? Why are we on the side of the Al Qaeda right now?" Despite the Obama administration's attempt to immediately blame Assad's forces for the chemical attack, multiple U.S. officials have said that the administration's evidence is "not a slam dunk." Officials also mentioned that the administration's evidence is "not a slam dunk." Officials also mentioned that the administration had no "smoking gun." In fact, the rebels have now even claimed responsibility for the attacks. Even with Syrian Deputy Foreign Fayssal Mekdad presenting evidence to the UN that strongly points to a rebel led chemical attack, the Obama administration has continued to ignore any evidence that can't be used to justify military action against Assad, including multiple YouTube videos showing rebels launching rebels launching chemical weapons on civilian targets. Paul's statements are given even more validity in light of the January Yahoo article that details a potential chemical attack on Syria on behalf of the United States. The emails revealed a plan, supported by the Obama administration, to have a chemical weapons attack blamed on Assad in order to gain international support for military action. Paul also exposes the history of lies and propaganda used by the US government to justify military intervention, pointing specifically to the Iraq war. "Look at how many lies were told to us about Saddam Hussein prior to that buildup, war propaganda. It's endless, it happens all the time," said Paul, also pointing to Donald Rumsfeld's role in supplying chemical weapons to Saddam in the 1980's. Mounting evidence forced out by the alternative media has destroyed the government's credibility, with now only 9 percent of Americans supporting military intervention in Syria. The international backlash also caused UK Prime Minister David Cameron to momentarily back down after the British parliament voted against authorizing military action. Cameron later decided to send Military jets to Cyprus, claiming the move was purely "defensive." Despite having no congressional authority or support from NATO, the UN or the Arab League, the Obama administration has brazenly threatened to carry out strikes regardless, openly flouting the Constitution. Now, 140 members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter demanding that President Obama get authorization from Congress if he wants to carry out any strikes against Syria. "The American people right now by a very large majority are opposed to this war," Paul said in closing. Update: Last April during a speech in Austin, Texas, Paul warned of the system's increasing war propaganda and predicted that a false flag incident would likely accelerate the US deeper into the Middle Eastern conflict.      

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