
By Paul Joseph Watson: Media Buries Psychiatric Drug Connection to Navy Shooter!

Despite every indication that Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was on SSRI drugs that have been linked to dozens of previous mass shootings, the mainstream media has once again avoided all discussion of the issue, preferring instead to blame the tragedy on a non-existent AR-15 that the gunman didn't even use. We now know that Alexis "had been treated since August by the Veterans Administration for his mental problems." As Mike Adams points out, "This is proof that Aaron Alexis was on psychiatric drugs, because that's the only treatment currently being offered by the Veterans Administration for mental problems. Alexis' family members also confirmed to the press that he was being "treated" for his mental health problems. Across the medical industry, "treatment" is the code word for psychiatric drugging." Alexis also suffered from PTSD, blackouts and anger issues, all of which are treated with SSRI drugs. The most common form of treatment for PTSD is Paroxetine, which is listed as the number 3 top violence-causing drug by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). The Navy Yard shooter was clearly on some form of psychiatric drug, but the media has shown no interest in discovering its identity. Despite it being reported that prescription drugs were found in the apartment of 'Batman' shooter James Holmes days after the Aurora massacre, it took nine months to find out exactly what those drugs were. Like Columbine killer Eric Harris, Holmes had been taking Zoloft, another SSRI drug linked with violent outbursts. The length of time it took to find out that Holmes was on Zoloft was partly because the media habitually shows interest in pursuing the link between anti-depressants and violence. As the website SSRI Stories profusely documents, there are literally hundreds of examples of mass shootings, murders and other violent episodes that have been committed by individuals on psychiatric drugs over the past three decades. The number of cases is staggering. Why is the corporate media so disinterested in pursuing this clear connection? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the pharmaceutical giants who produce drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend around $2.4 billion dollars a year on direct-to-consumer television advertising every year. By running negative stories about prescription drugs, network risk losing tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue. While failing to ask questions about what SSRI drugs Aaron Alexis was taking prior to his rampage, the media instead blamed the shooting on assault rifles, even after it had been confirmed that no AR-15 was used by Alexis during the massacre. FBI assistant director Victoria Parlve stated at a press conference on Tuesday that authorities, "do not have any information at this time that Alexis had an AR-15in his possession," Despite there being no evidence that an AR-15 was used, the New York Daily News ran a front page headline yesterday morning entitled, "Same Gun Different Slay," next to a picture of an assault rifle. Hours after the FBI stated that no AR-15 had been used, MSNBC's Alex Wagner, who previously blamed the Boston bombings on Alex Jones, continued to use an animated graphic depicting Alexis carrying an assault rifle during the massacre.  

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