
Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010

Once upon a time, the masters of declining empires had only a limited array of tools to snoop on their unsatisfied masses. The top ten nations were of two types: Those who had the will to spy on every citizen, but lacked the ability, and those who had the ability, but lacked the will. Thanks to modern technology, that is no longer the case: The able have become willing, and these traditional restraints have been overcome.
The USA has negated our Constitution's fourth amendment in the name of "wars against terror, drugs and cyber attacks. At this time, so-called "Western democracies" are not far behind "beacons of freedom" such as China, North Korea, Belarus and Russia when it comes to repressive police measures. Now, our United States is a mere 2/100th of a point behind Russia, when it comes to Internet and other forms of electronic spying.
The worst offenders of their citizens' liberties are now, in that order: North Korea, China, Belarus, Russia, "our" United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Singapore, and Germany.

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