
Our US Government Kills Two Pregnant Mothers and a Teenage Girl

Our "modern" US Army often reverts to the ancient days of barbarism in order to accomplish its ordered missions: On February 12, US and Afghan Army forces launched a pre-dawn assault on the home of a prominent and popular policeman's home just outside Gardez, the capital of Paktia province in eastern Afghanistan. First, they killed the policeman, who had been standing in his doorway, protesting the innocence of his family. In the volley of fire directed against him, his pregnant wife, another pregnant woman and an 18-year old girl were also slaughtered. The families had been holding a party to celebrate the naming of a newborn baby boy. Sitting together along the walls of the guest room, the men had been taking turns dancing their traditional songs while the assembled musicians played. The group's singer said that at sometime after 3AM, one of the musicians went outside to go to the toilet. At that moment someone shone a light on his face, and the despicable murder of the assembled party began. Also killed was Saranwal Zahir, Dawood's brother, and the local prosecuter, who had been shouting for the soldiers not to shoot, as the women ran outside to tend to the wounded. Do you suppose that this village will ever support our war in Afghanistan! Please click on the headline, to read the rest of that story!

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