
Arabs accuse Israel of "Ethnic Cleansing" their remaining territory!

In an article by Marwan Bishara, titled: "Jerusalem, Unholy Fault Lines", the author predicts a new cycle of confrontation with far reaching regional consequences for Israel. Like the fault lines deep underground in the nation of Chile, which may yet destroy more of that unfortunate country, Israel is now about to be "shaken, not stirred" to the very depth of its narrow-minded "leadership", though Binjamin Netenyahu, the Israeli prime minister, is counting on the commitment of Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, to prevent another Intifada.
He is most likely going to wait in vain: His constituency is still upset that more than a third of Al Quds has been expropriated for Israeli construction, while 22 per cent is zoned for "green" areas and public infrastructure, and 30 per cent remains "unplanned".
For this reason, the Obama administration had asked Israel to freeze all demolition of Palestinian homes in order not to aggravate tensions in the city.

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