
A Timeline of Oil and Violence in Afghanistan

Thinking of joining the US Army and fighting in Afghanistan? Its all about oil, of course, and now you can read how we got into this mess, in which you, and your fellow soldiers may lose an arm, a leg, or even your life: Try to get a hot bimbo to satisfy your natural sexual needs, if you no longer have all of your body parts. I suspect is can't be done. When I served in Vietnam, and was saturated by "Agent Orange", I lost my pancreas, which is necessary to maintain an erection. Fortunately, I was able to court a wonderful girl who married me despite my unfortunate loss, but I would feel guilty, if I didn't ask you to avoid a similar fate.
First of all, WE are not in that troubled world to catch bad guys who toppled the World Trade Center - In reality, WE - the powers who run our American government, did that all by ourselves.
I urge you to check http://www.ringnebula.com/ where you will find a timeline for our our intervention in Afghanistan. It all started on July 3, 1979, when President "Jimmy" Carter signed a secret directive aiding opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul, calculated to induce a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Please read the rest of this truly anti-American story of our "Government"
for yourself !!

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