
Doug Bandow - Cato Institute: The US is effectively bankrupt!

Washington can no longer afford to micromanage the world. International social engineering is a dubious venture, and it is folly to attempt while drowning in red ink: As Colin Powell put it while Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: "I'm running out of enemies - I'm down to Kim Il-Sung and Castro."
In real terms Washington spends more on 'defense' today than it did during the Cold War, the Korean War, and Vietnam. Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations worries that the increased financial obligations resulting from health-care legislation will preclude maintaining such oversize expenditures in the future. He asks: "Who will police sea lanes, stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, combat terrorism, respond to genocide and other unconscionable human rights violations (not, of course, counting the ones our USA is guilty of in Iraq and Afghanistan), and deter rogue states fro aggression?" By the way: Armored divisions and carrier groups are not useful in confronting terrorists, though Israel, in destroying the world trade center towers, could be effectively stopped by taking away the money our tax-payers are forced to give them each year! - But I digress. Please click on the heading of this article to get "the rest of this sordid story."

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