
Admiral Mullen Fears Israeli Attack on Iran!

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, came home to our United States with sweaty palms from his mid-February visit to Israel. Ever since, he has been worrying aloud that Israel might force our US into a war of annihilation with Iran. In the past, Mullen has been able to stop such genocidal Israeli plans, but this time he appears convinced that the Israeli "leaders" have not taken his warnings seriously, despite his unusually strong language: He insisted publicly that any attack on Iran would be "a big, big, big problem for all of us, and I worry a great deal about the unintended consequences." The military 'warlords' of Israel have proven their instability in the past, as their massacre of the crew of our USS Pueblo, while I served as the Intelligence Operations Officer of our Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany. According to his "aide de camp", our commanding general commented: "With friends like the Israelis, we do not need more enemies!"
Please click on the heading to read the 'rest of this important story on http://www.michaelmoore.com/
After that, you will be adequately motivated to warn your congressman, or woman, to cut off any further aid to Israel, or suffer the inevitable consequences from their angry constituents!!

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